
Traveller rpg examples of animal types
Traveller rpg examples of animal types

traveller rpg examples of animal types

When selling goods, add the largest Sale DMs for the world trade code and subtract the largest Purchase DMs.

traveller rpg examples of animal types

Selling goods works just like purchasing goods, with the following changes:Ī character must find a buyer, instead of a supplier. After that week, he may reroll one of the dice thrown to determine the purchase price for those goods. The trader does not have to accept this price, but if he rejects the deal, then he cannot deal with that supplier again for at least one week. Next, consult the Purchase column of the Modified Price table. In cases where multiple Purchase or Sale DMs apply, use only the largest ones from each column.

traveller rpg examples of animal types

Some especially rich or powerful suppliers can demand high prices. – the largest Dice Modifier from the Sale DM column. + the largest Dice Modifier from the Purchase DM column. + the character’s Intelligence or Social Standing DM, whichever is higher. + the character’s Broker skill (or the local broker’s skill). To determine the purchase price, roll 3d6 and apply the following modifiers: A black market supplier has whatever illegal goods match his world’s trade code, as well as any randomly rolled illegal goods. Some goods are illegal, and can be purchased only through a black market supplier. If you roll the same type of goods multiple times, then the supplier has extra amounts of those goods available. Roll d66 on the table to determine the goods available, ignoring results 61-65 unless dealing with a black market supplier. The amount of each type of goods available is limited – the tons column determines how many tons of a given type of goods are available for purchase.Ī given supplier has all Common Goods available, the Trade Goods that match the world’s trade code, and 1d6 randomly determined goods. Trade Goods can usually only be found on a world with a matching trade code. Common Goods can be purchased on any world. Goods are divided into two categories of goods – Common and Trade Goods. Class A starports give a +6 DM, class B starports give a +4 DM and class C starports give a +2 DM. The size of the Starport provides a bonus to finding a supplier. Speculative Trade and Smuggling Finding a SupplierĬharacters can search for multiple suppliers, but there is a -1 DM per previous attempt on a planet in a given month.įinding a supplier: Broker, Education or Social Standing, 1-6 days, Average (+0).įinding a black market supplier: (Illegal goods only) Streetwise, Education or Social Standing, 1-6 days, Average (+0).įinding an online supplier: (Worlds with TL 8+ only) Computers, Education, 1-6 hours, Average (+0). A mail container takes up five tons of space and the characters will be paid Cr. On a 12 or more, after modifiers, the characters can transport mail to the destination world. + characters’ highest Naval or Scout rank To determine if there is mail available, determine the applicable Mail DMs, then roll on the available mail table.įreight Traffic modifier of -10 or more: -2 DMįreight Traffic modifier of -9 to -5: -1 DMįreight Traffic modifier of -4 to +4: +0 DMįreight Traffic modifier of 5 to 9: +1 DM Mail is a special form of freight, consisting of large data storage drums which contain a vast amount of information that must be transported from one world to another, but is not vital enough to be entrusted to the X-Boat service or a private courier. Failing to deliver cargo on time reduces the amount paid by 1d6+4 x 10%. Cargo is paid for upon delivery, assuming it is delivered on time. To determine the number of cargos available, add the destination planet’s Population value to the modifiers from the Freight Traffic table, then consult the Freight Lots Available table.Ī freight lot cannot be broken up. Incidental cargos are composed of 1d6 tons of freight.Minor cargos are composed of 1d6 x 5 tons of freight.Major cargos are composed of 1d6 x 10 tons of freight.Freight lots must be transported in their entirety, and come in three sizes: 1,000 per ton for shipping a ton for one parsec, +200 Cr.

Traveller rpg examples of animal types